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Obtaining a licence.


Though often time consuming, gaining a firearms licence is pretty straight forward.


NOTE: The firearms safety course is run by the club and is FREE when you are a current member of the club. Book by appointment through the club’s member site contact page. We will arrange a time that best suits you.

NDRC members

In a nutshell, successfully complete and/or pass:

  • A Firearms Safety course;

  • Become a member of the club (You might have already done this since your safety course is then FREE);

  • Submit a Firearms Licence Application Form (on-line). You will need club licence details to support your application which are provided by the club as well as supporting documents for ID.

  • Once submitted, the NSW Police will run the necessary background checks;

  • When you are cleared by the NSW Police, the NSW Firearms Registry will send you notification;

  • Attend Services NSW to have your ID photo taken and for the application to have processing finalised;

  • A licence will be sent to you in the mail.

Contact us through the member's website. Click here.
Come the time you have everything together, the application can be completed on-line: Apply for a licence link.
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