Narromine-Dubbo Rifle Club
Obtaining a licence.
Though often time consuming, gaining a firearms licence is pretty straight forward.
NOTE: The firearms safety course is run by the club and is FREE when you are a current member of the club. Book by appointment through the club’s member site contact page. We will arrange a time that best suits you.

In a nutshell, successfully complete and/or pass:
A Firearms Safety course;
Become a member of the club (You might have already done this since your safety course is then FREE);
Submit a Firearms Licence Application Form (on-line). You will need club licence details to support your application which are provided by the club as well as supporting documents for ID.
Once submitted, the NSW Police will run the necessary background checks;
When you are cleared by the NSW Police, the NSW Firearms Registry will send you notification;
Attend Services NSW to have your ID photo taken and for the application to have processing finalised;
A licence will be sent to you in the mail.